Week 7

This week is week seven and school is almost over. Mr. Smiths class has been a fun experience and I’ve learned a lot. Hai and I are almost done with our final. we are still working in 3ds max and i have learned some new tricks. all we need to do is the fire and steam effects in it and were done.

What is fracking and how does it work?

Fracking is a term driller’s use for blowing up rock deep down. They drill down then tern at an angle and send explosives down and crack the rock to get oil.


Why is fracking a good thing?

Fracking is good because it gets us oil but its bad because the oil can get in our water.


 Why are some very opposed to fracking?

The naysayers maintain that it causes earthquakes, and releases so much flammable gas into the water table that tapwater will actually burn, causing health problems.


What is Keystone Pipeline Project?

The Keystone XL Pipeline is a proposed 1,179-mile (1,897 km), 36-inch-diameter crude oil pipeline beginning in Hardisty, Alta., and extending south to Steele City, Neb. This pipeline is a critical infrastructure project for the energy security of the United States and for strengthening the American economy.


What are the good things it would do?

Can create jobs and money. Wouldn’t have to get as much oil from the middle east.


What are the bad things it would do?

It would effect the environment and our water.


Do you think we should build it?

I think we should make a temporary one because we could find a new foil source any time now and all that work would be for nothing but we still need to get the oil out for now.


week 6

This week in Mr. Smith’s class we got a big jump on our final. We as in me and Hai have don a lot on our final. I will attach a pic of it below. I also rendered out a video in 3ds max and edited in premier. We learned how to play a video of a pic and to zoom in on any spot.Image

Week 5

This week in Mr. Smith’s class we worked in 3ds Max again and made a plane I will have the pic below.We also got introduced to Premiere Pro cs3 to make videos. The plane we learned how to do political modeling which is to shape and warp the shapes that you want.

What are the different ways we can make a generator shaft turn?

The burning of coal to heat water and create steam. Gasoline to heat water and create steam. A windmill. Water flow from a river or a dam to tern the shaft.


What are the best ways and why?

The burning of coal is best energy wise but it isn’t clean but has more power.


What is your favorite and why?

Probably the windmill because its clean energy.


Week four!!!

This week in Mr. Smith”s class we learned a lot in 3ds Max. We learned how to make a vid in 3ds Max. I made one were a guy gets hit with a big ball. We also learned about other sources for energy manly energy from the sun.

What are the basic components of a solar PV system?

Solar panel, charge controller, batteries and inverter.



What is the job of each component?

The solar panel collects the energy from the sun then that goes through the charge controller, which gets it to the right voltage to charge the batteries, which then goes through the inverter.



Week three

 week three has been the same we are learning more in 3ds max. we have also been learning more about oil and how much we need it. so in the end week three was a good and fun week.

What is peak oil?

Peak oil is when the maximum rate of petroleum extraction is reached.


How long do we have?

We most likely will run out of oil by 2200.


 What are we doing to prepare for the future?

We are finding new resources for energy.


What happened during the 1973 oil embargo?

USA pissed off the Arabs where we get all of our oil.


What is the Keystone pipeline project?

The Keystone XL Pipeline is a proposed 1,179-mile (1,897 km), 36-inch-diameter crude oil pipeline


What happened at the deepwater Horizon?

On April 20, Deepwater Horizon was two days away from temporarily capping the oil well it had drilled and handing off the pumping of the oil to a production platform or pipeline. But during this disconnection process the rig suffered a blowout, caught fire and sank to the bottom.


Week Two

Week two in Mr. Smith’s class has been fun. We have been learning how power plants work. I’m getting beater at the 3ds Max thing and its actually really fun. I will have a pic of the power plant that I made in 3ds Max with all the pieces and parts to make electricity. I also have a upside down Y I have no clue why but Mr. Smith wanted us to make a shape above our power plant.

Where do we find coal in the US?

Wyoming 210,129 short tons known as Appalachian

How does California use coal?

We use it for electricity and we have it burnt in the other states.

How does the US get our coal?

We dig it up.

How has this changed over time?

We remove the top of mountains instead of having underground mins.

What is the “cost” of coal?

$70 to $400.00 per Lb.

What is the future of coal?

As new, cleaner coal technologies are developed, coal is likely to remain an integral part of the nation’s overall power supply mix.Image

Week one

This is my first week in Mr. Smith’s class and it has been fun. We learned what we are going to be doing in this class. So far I know that we will be discussing fuel and energy and how much we need it and need to stop using it.